We have been fortunate to experience a successful Phase 1 return to school last week and now we are in Phase 2. The college has been a busy place as students returned, the signs, flags, colour, bubbles, music and even the fruit and biscuits at morning tea all seemed to make each day more enjoyable for our students.
Being a parent has been even tougher since mid-March when the response to COVID-19 became urgent and very real. We have all been under different parenting pressures or worries for our young children or teenagers or maybe young adults, while still having our own concerns or work matters to deal with each day. I can only encourage each of us as guardians, carers and parents to take a moment for ourselves and acknowledge the difficulties but also the difference we have each made in our children’s lives. These strange times look like they will continue for some time. Helping us work through this with children, it can be really worthwhile to find and take some time to think about how it has been for us in the last two months. I also suggest we keep or work towards the things that we have enjoyed or helped our families, they might include:
Keeping that personal time we have found for ourselves each day/week (no matter how brief).
Practice the personal time we have enjoyed together as a family or with different children like cooking, that beach walk, relaxing together or movie time.
Stay connected with those distant families and friends (maybe our children could start the video calls?).
School and how this is progressing? Any important dates coming up or support needed?
Discussing screen time use and when to minimise this, be together and outside.
New routines that helped the family… keep them, but discuss this first.
Talk about how we dealt with and discussed those stressful moments or days, resilience often takes time to develop. Keep what worked, be mindful, be kind.
Helping together, those wonderful chores we shared out, should they stay that way?
Talking about coronavirus, looking to the future, helpful strategies, answering questions, good hygiene, and social distancing continues.
Reach out to close family friends if our children think there is a need. How will we help the re-connection of our children’s friendships face to face?
Next week we will see all students return on Tuesday the 26th May. This is great news. We wish to say thank you to every family and especially our students as you have continued to support and practice health advice and remote schooling over a difficult time. Our focus on health and hygiene continues at the college with extra procedures in place for cleaning each day and in specialty or practical areas. Students will see some changes in classes to reduce health concerns. Temperature checks will finish this week for all students, staff and visitors. However, temperatures may be taken if considered necessary by the first-aid team. Please encourage your child to wash hands before they leave home, after arriving at school and throughout the day. Social distancing will still be encouraged and we ask that you have the discussion at home as well on the importance of following these basic health guidelines. These reminders will also happen at school, but parent and guardian support is appreciated.
The move to remote learning has been demanding for everyone, students, parents and staff. Teachers have had a focus on essential learning only in their online lessons and depth versus surface learning was the priority since we went to remote learning. This has been identified by the work to complete notification in google classroom for remote learning lessons. Naturally, this may mean some course areas have been covered in more depth than others or may not have been covered on the normal timeline. These changes are within the NESA framework and teachers will discuss as students return where necessary. Mr Verbgruggen is also coordinating with our Academic Captains a number of support options in the Library in these first two weeks. The Library has also returned to its normal opening hours. If there are any extra needs or questions or support needed, please let a staff member know such as the Tutor Teacher, Year Coordinator or a subject teacher. Our children were very happy on their return in Phase 1 and we hope that they shared how their day went and are looking forward to the coming weeks back at BDC.
Some states compared to NSW are on very different timelines and approaches for their staged return back to school. We have had very little pause in teaching and learning or extra holidays for example like some other states. Although the Federal Government has announced that Semester 1 grades are optional this year for reports, at this stage as we planned from the beginning of the COVID-19 response, grading for Semester 1 reports will continue for our students. Tutor Teachers will be aiming to keep the focus on effort and well being as well as academic achievement and progress feedback. Reports are not due until the end of term for Years 7 to 10.
Our Year 12 students, the leaders of the school have commenced their planning for Foundation Day at the end of this term and Year 11 has commenced their leadership process and discussions for the induction at the start of Term 3. In addition to these very important events, planning and discussions have commenced for World Options for Year 9-10 for 2021 and Year 11 courses. Year 8 and Year 10 will be involved in 2021 workshops, information sessions and career meetings towards the end of Term 2 and beginning of Term 3 for their important process of selecting courses for 2021.
Mrs Driscoll, our Careers Pathways expert, has been in contact with all Year 12 students. There have been a number of emails re cadetships, university, ATAR and HSC webinars shared recently. We encourage Year 12 to check emails every day and also to arrange a time with Mrs Driscoll this term. All students are welcome to make contact for assistance gdriscoll@bdc.nsw.edu.au
Winter Uniform Commences Tuesday 1st June in Week 6
The Bishop Druitt College uniform symbolises the pride we feel in our college and to encourage in students an understanding of the importance of personal appearance.
Students should arrive at and depart from the college in full school uniform.
Senior School Winter Uniform Years 10, 11 and 12
Senior students wear the school blazer and senior tie. School jumpers may be worn appropriately when needed under their blazer. Year 12 may also wear their Year 12 jacket. All students are to wear the college hat when they are outside in the sun.
Middle School Winter Uniform Years 7, 8 and 9
Middle school students wear the college softshell jacket or school blazer and school tie. School jumpers are to be worn appropriately when needed as an extra part of the uniform. All students are to wear the college hat when they are outside in the sun.
Please contact the Year Coordinator for further assistance.
The Uniform Shop is located next to the Branson Centre and is accessible via the Parent Pick Up car park area. Contact the uniform shop on 66515 644 Ext 238 or by email bishop.druitt@midford.com.au
The full outline of winter uniform requirements can be read on the college website viahttps://digistorm-websites.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/bdc-au-nsw-333-website/documents/Policies/Uniform-Policy.pdf?mtime=20191122035350
I would like to congratulate and wish Mrs Karin Lisle all the best for her promotion to CVAS Principal at Grafton. Karin is well known by many students K-12 and families. She has seen many changes at BDC and has always been welcoming to all students, she will be missed by BDC.
We welcome everyone back next week and the energy and conversations that this brings will make the playground a much better place once again for everyone. We look forward to Open Day next week, be mindful, be kind.
Simon Doyle
Assistant Principal (Head of Secondary)