Welcome to 2020
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3
Welcome to our first newsletter of the year. There is much to celebrate in our community at present including welcoming back families new and old. In my section this fortnight, I outline some of our student achievements over the holiday break, officially launch our new website and newsletter format, welcome the new Rector of St John’s Anglican Church, remind our community of our exciting Scholarships program, announce our new boarding facility plans, place a date claimer for the official opening of the Wellbeing Hub, and present our 2020 School Improvement Plan.
Welcome 2020
Welcome to 2020 and to another exciting year at BDC. Our community welcomed over 160 new students this last week and I wish to thank our ‘old’ students and staff for making the ‘newbies’ feel part of the BDC family. I had the chance to visit most of our classes this fortnight and am impressed with their positive attitude and willingness to get down to the business (and fun) of learning.
A quick safety message: please use our car park safely and ensure that the designated drop off zones are used. When the upper car park or bus lanes are used for drop off zones, regardless of the hour, it creates some unsafe practices. I have also had a request from our neighbours in Highlands Estate and am asking our community not to use this estate as an overflow drop off zone. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Student Achievements - Australia Day Awards, Cambodian Service and Music Camps
Current and immediate past BDC students featured in local Australia Day Awards. Emma Serisier was named Coffs Harbour's Young Citizen of the Year. Heather Orme was recognised in the Coffs Young Achievers of the Year list. Lily Powell received the Bellingen Council Australia Day Sportsperson of the Year Award. I wish to congratulate Emma, Heather, and Lily for being recognised for their hard work and community spirit.
I had the opportunity to join 17 Year 12 students as part of our annual Cambodia Service Learning Tour during December. I wish to express to my community how proud I was of our students throughout the entire experience. They were open, caring, willing to learn, willing to share and had a generous and compassionate spirit. We really do produce some outstanding young citizens at BDC. Thank you to Mr Klipin and to Mrs Murphy who were outstanding student role models (as usual). I encourage our current Year 11s to make this trip a priority and start saving now.
One of our High Performance Program students, Felix Hughes-Chivers, participated in the Australian Youth Orchestra National Music Camp over the holidays. The AYO camp is open to students age 14-25 however acceptance is based upon an audition and participants must be a minimum grade 6 AMEB level on their instrument. There are also limited places for each instrument and so only the top Australian music students in their instrument are selected.
Felix was one of the youngest students to attend the camp. Congratulations Felix. One of our BDC Alumni, Julia Magri (Class of 2018), was also selected again this year. Julia is now studying at Sydney University.
New Website - Beta Launch
As part of our 2019 School Improvement Plan we set the ambitious target of rewriting, redesigning and then launching a new website. I am proud to announce and official launch our new website.
The new site has a wealth of high quality and exciting new content concerning our professional personnel, innovative programs and first-class facilities. I encourage you to visit our site and share with your friends and family using social media.
Information in the new website is organised into two general areas of interest. The homepage and associated menu links provide an overview of life at BDC for members of the public who may be interested in becoming BDC community members. The myBDC area provides information most relevant to current parents and students. Any pages contained in the general information section that may also be of interest to current BDC parents are linked into the myBDC area as well.
In order to set a continuous improvement cycle for our website, we are keen to hear feedback regarding content in particular. If you encounter anything on the new website that needs attention please email Mr Colless with the feedback - mcolless@bdc.nsw.edu.au. I also wish to thank Mr Colless and Mrs Heather for their hard work in spearheading this project for a start of 2020 launch.
International House (BDCs very own residential boarding home)
It’s official! The college has purchased the house on the hill - 83 North Boambee Rd.
This property will be utilised for the following purposes in the short to medium term:
a) to ensure that continued growth and development can occur on the college site without potential planning restrictions and objections from potential new neighbours (e.g. our draft master plan has a performing arts centre adjacent to the house).
b) to attract short-term and longer-term boarders from the regional areas and to support our growing international student population - therefore the property will be renamed ‘International House’.
c) to allow for further development of the block that borders our car park to improve our parking, drainage and traffic flow.
International House will be revamped over the next six months and is planned to be officially opened by July. As you can imagine creating a boarding house requires some upgrading of the facility mainly to meet strict fire/evacuation regulations.
I wish to thank Mrs Pilati and her family for being generous and caring neighbours for our 25 year history. They build 83 North Boambee Road in 1986 and so they have been witnesses to the growth of our college and have always been strong supporters of our college events. They are also excited that the house will have children in it again.
Bus Information
All students that do not have a bus pass from last year are required to apply through the Transport NSW website - www.transportnsw.info/school-students. Transport NSW advises that students will not be able to travel without a pass after 28th February.
We are also experiencing higher than expected demand on the BDC Northern Beaches Bus. Please contact BDC Reception - bdcreception@bdc.nsw.edu.au - if you no longer require this bus service.
Wellbeing Hub - Official Opening
Our new Wellbeing Hub is operational a few weeks ahead of schedule. I wish to thank Mr Oxley, Mr Ryan, Mr McIntyre, contractors of X-Corp Building Services, and our Wellbeing Director Mrs O’Connor. This team has produced a facility that will support our students across the campus in a variety of ways from student counselling through to spiritual development. The Honorable Mr Pat Conaghan will officially open the Wellbeing Hub on 9 March. I wish to thank the Member for Cowper for his support of this important project with a Commonwealth Grant of $10000.
New Rector of St John’s
After a two and half year search St John’s Anglican Church has a new Rector. I am excited to welcome Reverend Daryl McCullough to the Anglican community and to our college. You will see Rev Daryl around the campus quite often as his children (Katie, Will and Tom) will be attending our college. He will also be our newest addition to the College Council. I also wish to welcome Rev Daryl’s wife, Mrs Diane McCullough to our community. Bishop Druitt College also wishes to recognise Rev Richard Temby, who moves to the Sawtell Parish, and Rev Anne Goode who is the new priest in the Bellinger Parish.
Academic Scholarships for 2021 (Entry to Years 7-11)
Applications for 2021 Academic Scholarships for students entering Years 7-11 are now open and will close on 10 February 2020. The scholarships are awarded on the basis of a competitive examination conducted by ACER, which will take place on 29 February 2020 at Bishop Druitt College. Scholarships are awarded by the Principal.
Please see our website for further details.
School Improvement Plan (SIP2020)
The Strategic Plan (2018-2025) is implemented through a set of annual School Improvement Plans. These documents utilise all the feedback from the strategic planning process, regular survey and performance data, educational research, and college leadership planning to create a sequenced timetable for improvement.
The document in the link below is our School Improvement Plan for 2020. This document will remain a ‘live’ document so that progress can be tracked throughout the year. It will be shared regularly in our newsletter and a link will also be placed on our new website.
CVAS and BDC Partnership Continues to Grow
In December last year, our college chair read out a joint statement from the Councils of both Bishop Druitt College and Clarence Valley Anglican School. The statement noted that the schools were endeavouring to strengthen our ties and create greater opportunities for the children in our care. Mr Ford noted that we had already worked well in developing Farnworth Farm throughout 2019 and were now looking for ways to implement partnerships in curriculum, music, sport and international student tours as soon as term 2, 2020. I am particularly excited about this proposition and thank Mr Oates, the Principal at CVAS, for always been welcome to innovate ideas and opportunities for students in both schools. I look forward to an exciting future for both schools.
Nick Johnstone