Secondary Matters: Faithfulness in Service

Friday, 14 Mar 2025

World's Greatest Shave
Year 12 are now well into one of their main service focus areas called World's Greatest Shave to help beat blood cancer. Visit our team page. Every dollar that can be donated to help find a way to beat blood cancer is appreciated. Congratulations Year 12 on living Faithfulness in Service.

Murray House invited me to share some of my experience volunteering in Ukraine. I am very proud of what our students commit to and the different ways we support others already across the local community. Mr. Kadwell, Murray Head of House, told me that Murray House would aim to support School 88 in Zaporizhia with books or perhaps fundraising as their Hope25 project. This was very humbling to hear, especially with the news across the last two weeks for Ukraine. Faithfulness in Service is practiced in many ways by our community and by our staff and this is an integral character trait that we hope to build within each student as part of The BDC Way in partnership with our parents and carers.


Hope25 has begun and it is our focus in Chapel services for high school. We look forward to hearing about the different projects and events across Term 1 and Term 2 culminating at Foundation Day (at the end of Term 2). You may be asked to contribute or assist by your child or children. There are some creative ideas already being contemplated. 

Cyclone Alfred
It is still too early to consider what support the College may become involved in directly as a result of this extreme weather event. One of our sister schools, Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar at Banora Point, was also an evacuation point as an example. We keep all families and emergency responders in our thoughts and prayers at this stage and our friends and colleagues further north.

BDC Online Learning for Cyclone Alfred

We must thank our staff for their quick response in coordinating and posting schoolwork to complete and intentions for each period across the three days of closure. Heads of Faculty provided support where staff were on leave or unable to add to Schoolbox and our Year Coordinators provided a checkin on Monday via an online meet.

The quick adaptation and scheduled posts have assisted in learning to continue at very short notice (although difficult for practical courses). BDC adapts very well thanks to our staff and the support of each family and in a world where online learning occurs post school across TAFE, university and personal goals, online learning is really a part of life. We will continue to look at this over the next 12 months.

BDC Horizon, our online school, continued as usual. Something to consider as another reason to explore this mode of learning.

Thank you to all of our families for your continued support and understanding due to the weather and potential hazards and for ensuring learning continued at home.

Outdoor Education Program and Rite of Passage Year 7 and Year 11
Year 7 have returned from their exciting time away and we wish to thank the Year 10 Peer Support Leaders, Mrs. Matthews,  Mr. Chapman and Tutor team. Many needed the rest and catch up on Friday and the stories continued back at school on the Monday. Well done Year 7.

Year 11 have had their OEP postponed from this week to Term 2 

Monday 9th - Thursday 12 June (Term 2 Week 7)
It is the same, Camp Kokoda. An excellent venue that will provide the opportunity for challenge and choice within our Tutor teams.

Mr. Johnstone’s Farewell Term 1 2025

Mr. Johnstone’s last day at the College is Friday April 11. There are a number of farewell opportunities towards the end of term.
Two opportunities where family members could join in are:
10 April, Thursday 1.30pm. K-12 Assembly in the Branson Centre (all are welcome).
11 April, Friday 9.15am. K-12 Easter Service in the Branson Centre (all are welcome).

Parent Teacher Information Evenings
(appointment times open the week before)
26 March, Wednesday Year 8 and Year 12
2 April, Wednesday Year 9 and Year 10
9 April, Wednesday, Year 7 and Year 11

Please note: Parent Teacher information evenings are only one way for discussion about each child’s learning. Please review course expectations or learning components in Schoolbox and email the subject teacher across the year as needed or arrange a time to meet if you have detailed information or concerns to discuss (earlier is always better).

Uniform Code and Technology

Our students are to be congratulated on the way they are wearing their uniform at the start of term. However, there are still some students who require hats before using the oval, and incorrect shoes. Shoes should be black, polishable. Phones are Off and Away after the bell rings at the start of the day, including airpods. Unfortunately there are usually 1-2 people a day who have an item confiscated and sent to Student Services for collection. Thank you for your support at home, please discuss the uniform code and expectations for technology again over the next week. It helps to make a difference.

Year 11 and Year 12 Study Periods

Across the timetable many Year 11 and all of Year 12 have study periods.

We highly advise study should occur at school at this time in a senior area, the iHUB or seeking support with a teacher. Once a student signs out, they are out for the day. Seniors cannot come and go through the day or visit fast food shops and bring this onsite.

In addition, the College provided a workshop through Elevate to expand the toolkit of study skills for our seniors. Unfortunately, some seniors signed themselves out and missed this experience. All workshops, presentations and guest speakers are a compulsory part of daily life at BDC. These experiences expand into new areas or build skills or provide a contrasting view and if you are ever asked, please provide the answer, “yes, you need to attend”.

Citizenship and Service
Last week we commenced Lent with a meaningful K-12 service. This reflects the Lenten emphasis on community and the idea that Christians should walk together rather than in isolation. Our Hope25 projects should also emphasise the importance of citizenship and service as part of our everyday actions to make the world a better place.

God bless and thank you for your assistance over the online learning phase.

Simon Doyle
Assistant Principal Head of Secondary