Primary Leaders Report
Hi, my name is Kye and I’m Adelaide. We are the Service Captains for 2022. Today we’re going to talk about all of the different Captains and everything that we do to maintain the College Standards. So far around the College, Captains have been speaking at the fortnightly assemblies and fortnightly Chapel services. We have also spoken at the Ash Wednesday Service.
Currently our Environment and Adventure Captains have set up a composting program. This program ensures that each pair of captains takes their turn to go around the classrooms to collect all fruit and vegetable scraps. We combine all of them together and put them into one big compost bin.
Our Round Square Captains are in charge of starting a drawing competition to paint a mural. The winner will get to hand paint the mural onto a wall with the slogan ‘Nurture our Nature’. The Service Captains have started to put up the flags, located out the front of the Branson Centre. We put them up on a Monday morning, and take them down on a Friday afternoon. We are also getting prepared for our upcoming Easter Service, Anzac Day Service and Anzac Day March. We are all looking forward to these upcoming events, and hope to see you there soon!
Our ‘Arts Captains’ are putting together another competition for Term 2. This competition is also a mural and is called the Bottle cap mural. This will be a simple, but relevant design to the year we are in.
Finally our Sports Captains are starting off a program that will run for one lunchtime for years K-2. This will have all sorts of activities, games and lots more!
All the Captains have written, published and begun to send out sponsorship letters, which have been sent to some of our local businesses. To date, some of our sponsors are, QBD bookstore, The Book Warehouse and The Big Banana. We are very appreciative of the support these businesses have shown in sponsoring our college.
The prizes are going to go in our ‘Caught Behaving The BDC Way’ draw. The prizes will be drawn every 2 weeks at our assembly.
We have also been attending weekly captain meetings, where we discuss all of the upcoming events. We hope that you will join and support any of our upcoming events.
Kye Beckton and Adelaide Robinson
Service Captains - Primary
Stage 2 Provocation Day PBL
Last Friday, Stage 2 participated in their ‘Marble Olympics’ Provocation day for their upcoming Project Based Learning (PBL) design challenge based on our Science learning this term - forces and how objects move. The provocation day is a day that is designed to capture student interest to inspire and motivate them towards embarking on the project.
There were multiple activities and technologies set up across the Primary Library space designed to provoke interest and open discussion about what the project could involve and what knowledge of forces would be required.
Virtual reality, Olympic Luge vision, marble run construction, Marble It Up Nintendo switch game and a QR code scavenger hunt all made for a very exciting and engaging session for each Stage 2 class with many wanting to stay longer.
This week, students will be introduced to the project and will begin their planning for what will be a challenging but exciting few weeks ahead. Stay tuned for a wrap up of the project later in the term.
KJ and KS have been enjoying investigations. We are spending time with our peers and learning how to interact and communicate with them.
Investigations help students learn about themselves as well as have an opportunity to choose activities of interest and develop skills that are essential for life.
This term in the ELC we have been learning about change and innovation in Science lessons. We have worked in our buddy groups to design and make a robot to assist in different rooms of our houses. We had to work cooperatively and compromise whilst we were working on this project. We modified our design to improve it and also during the construction stage. It was a valuable and enjoyable experience for us all.
Thank you to Olivia’s mum, Mrs Miller who came to assist with the making phase. We also thank Mr Smith who enjoyed listening to our explanations of our robot designing and making and seeing our finished products.
Parenting is, by far, the hardest job in the world today! A world of juggling emotions, work commitments, family life and, if you have any time left over, a personal life!
Towards the end of each term, it is not unusual to hear or see fatigue in your child. For a primary student, this could be tears, tantrums, not wanting to come to school, stating they have no friends or acting out at home or at school. All of these things are perfectly natural, and common, as our children learn to regulate their emotions. Unfortunately as parents, we tend to cop the brunt of any outburst.
To help with these challenges, the college has a subscription to SchoolTV which can be easily accessed through the myBDC tab on the college website.
With our Years 5 and 6 cohort starting their PDH unit centred around puberty, you may wish to brush up on your knowledge before ‘those questions’ become the topic of conversation on the car ride home or within your home.
SchoolTV covers many wonderful topics to help support the growth of your child. Please take the time over the weekend to look through this wonderful resource, if you do have any questions about a topic or how it relates to your child, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s classroom teacher or the college Wellbeing team.