Welcome to a new school year at BDC!
It has been fantastic to see our students settling in, reconnecting with friends, and embracing new learning opportunities. This term, we are focusing on building a strong sense of belonging. Our staff are committed to creating an environment where every child feels supported and can thrive. We are continuing to embed Deep Learning, spark curiosity through Investigations, and encourage a culture of kindness and inclusivity across all year levels.
A big thank you to families for supporting our morning routines by ensuring students arrive on time and ready to learn. A quick reminder that all students are expected to wear their full summer uniform each day, with sports uniforms only worn on designated PE/Sport days.
Key uniform expectations include:
College Hat – A must for outdoor play and activities.
College Socks – To be worn with the uniform.
Black Leather Lace-Up Shoes – Kindergarten students may wear Velcro-fastened shoes for ease and independence.
Hair Accessories – Single-colour or multi-coloured hair ribbons or scrunchies in red, blue, black, or white are permitted for long hair.
It has been wonderful catching up with families at recent primary events, including the Kindergarten Picnic & Play, Sundowner, Swimming Carnival, and Parent Information Evening. These events are a great way to connect with our BDC community. If you were not able to make the Parent Information Evening, you can find my slides HERE.
What’s Coming Up?
Year 5 Character Builders Day – Thursday 6 March
Kindergarten Teddy Bears Picnic – Friday 7 March
I am really looking forward to a fantastic term filled with learning, laughter, and growth. Thank you for your ongoing support, we truly value our partnership with families in making BDC a wonderful place.
Sarah Stokes
Head of Primary