How can we know anything about God???

Wednesday, 23 Oct 2024

This is the big question we will be pondering in our chapel times this term. There are many ways we can get to know another person.

Sometimes, we start getting a sense of someone before we ever meet them. We might hear others speak about them, or observe them at work or in the community, even read about them in the media or online. Of course, sometimes the reports we hear can be a bit misleading!

When we do meet someone new, we often begin by exchanging very basic information. Our names, perhaps our roles, or our shared connection with another person, place or event. We take in their answers, their tone, their appearance - first impressions really do matter.

To get to know someone deeply, however, we need to spend a lot of time with them. Doing things together. Noticing what they do, how they interact, where they spend their time and energy. Talking with them, and really listening to what they say. Creating relationships of trust and respect, where people feel able to share their inner world of thoughts and feelings.

The same is true with God. We can learn a lot about God, by hearing what others have to say. God has been reaching out and building connections with human beings for thousands of years. Some of the people who have come especially close to God have their stories recorded in the Bible, alongside poems, songs, and prayers they have written in response to these experiences. Many of today’s people of faith are also happy to share about times when they have come close to God, and what they learned of God’s character.

However, it is also important that we spend time with God ourselves. Time in prayer, both speaking and listening. Time in faithful action, serving others with God’s love, caring for the world that God has made. Offering our whole selves to God, in trust and respect, knowing that we are known and loved in all our innermost thoughts and feelings.

Of course, for Christians, the greatest ‘revelation’ or sharing of God’s own self is in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ - God’s own self, born as a human being. Someone people could walk and talk with, work beside and share food with. Someone they could spend a lot of time with, and really get to know. As we move towards Christmas, we will invite you to celebrate with us this great gift of God’s presence among us. More on that next time!

Rev Lisa