Exceptional Scholar – Mikal Tesfamariam

Wednesday, 05 June 2024

Mikal's journey at BDC commenced in Year 3 and culminated in the completion of her HSC in 2022. In her final year of schooling Mikal not only secured the esteemed position of Academic Captain but also clinched the prestigious Zonta Young Women in Public Affairs Award. Additionally, she lent her intellect and passion to the Regional Youth Taskforce while also emerging victorious in the Oxford Immerse Education Scholarship Competition.

Amidst a flurry of offers from elite universities across the United States, Mikal made a choice to join the ranks of an Ivy League institution: the University of Pennsylvania. She is now in her 2nd year. This venerable institution, founded by the illustrious Benjamin Franklin, stood as a beacon of academic excellence - one that resonated with Mikal's aspirations.

The University of Pennsylvania offers unparalleled opportunities, networks, and a rich tradition dating back to its establishment in 1740. The campus culture, where students dine and reside together, fosters a sense of community that is both nurturing and invigorating.

Mikal's academic potential were duly recognised with two scholarships upon admission: the Penn World Scholarship and the Benjamin Franklin Scholarship. These awards not only underscore her exceptional abilities but also reflect the University of Pennsylvania's commitment to nurturing global leaders and advocates for the liberal arts and sciences.

As Mikal embarks on this journey, she carries with her the well-wishes and admiration of the Bishop Druitt College Alumni Association, celebrating her remarkable achievements and anticipating the remarkable contributions she is bound to make on the global stage.