Complex but Exciting

Tuesday, 27 Aug 2024

As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of education, schools need to remain committed to preparing their students for a complex and exciting future. Schools need to be both values-based to nurture productive citizens while remaining agile and adaptable to ensure students are well-equipped to thrive in an increasingly dynamic world.

Integrating AI-enhanced personalised learning is one of the most significant shifts we're embracing. This cutting-edge technology empowers our students to shape their own educational experiences, tailored to their unique needs and learning styles. By harnessing AI's power, we can provide targeted feedback and customised learning pathways, ensuring that every student can take control of their learning journey and reach their full potential. Currently, we have numerous staff and students trialling various AI tools across a wide array of settings. Darren Coxon, AI Education Specialist, recently noted that “AI offers limitless possibilities in providing hyper-personalised learning experiences. Capitalising on these possibilities, in conjunction with traditional learning methods, can lead to the perfect blend of digital learning. By using AI in non-invasive ways, a healthy balance can be achieved in the educational ecosystem, where technology and human interaction complement each other to bring out the optimal learning outcome.” Innovative, agile and adaptive educators are truly excited by the possibilities in the future but also by the practicalities of now.

We recognise the critical importance of digital literacy and cybersecurity awareness in today's digital age. At Bishop Druitt College, we are taking proactive steps to equip our students with the skills needed to navigate the online world safely and effectively. From critical evaluation of online information to understanding digital privacy, we are ensuring our students are well-prepared for the digital future without compromising their ability to interact face-to-face. This is why we have implemented a policy restricting the use of smartphones on campus during school hours.

The wellbeing of our students is not just a priority; it's at the very heart of our educational approach. At our school we have integrated comprehensive mental health and wellbeing programs into our curriculum, recognising a healthy mind is essential for academic success and personal growth. Through mindfulness practices and robust support services, we are nurturing not just the intellects but also the emotional resilience of our students, giving parents the confidence that their children are in safe hands. We acknowledge challenges will arise – we are working with children, after all – but we have support mechanisms in place to help them overcome obstacles. This reminds me of a quote from futurist Margaret Heffernan - "If you have never failed at anything, then you haven't been trying hard enough, aren't very imaginative, or have had such extraordinarily good luck that you have come to believe you are invincible." Growth often occurs through struggle.

Flexibility is key in our rapidly changing world. Our school is working towards a hybrid learning model that can reflect this changing landscape. We look forward to sharing more details about this advancement later in the year.

Perhaps most exciting is our shift towards Deep Learning. This approach moves beyond traditional rote learning or explicit teaching, focusing instead on developing the 6Cs: Character, Citizenship, Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, and Critical thinking. Through Deep Learning projects and real-world applications, our students are gaining the practical skills they'll need to succeed in the workforce of tomorrow.

At Bishop Druitt College, we are not just keeping pace with these educational trends – we are setting the standard. Our goal is to create an environment where students are not just excited about learning, but also confident in their abilities and prepared for whatever challenges come.

As we look to the future, I am filled with optimism. The world our students will inherit is indeed complex, but it's also brimming with opportunity. By remaining agile and adaptive in our approach to education, we are ensuring that Bishop Druitt College students are not just ready for this world – they are eager to shape it.

Nick Johnstone

Coxon, D. (2024). The Future of AI in Education: Strategies, Challenges, and Opportunities. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 June 2024].
Fullan, M., Quinn, J. and McEachen, J., 2018. Deep Learning: Engage the World Change the World. [online] New Pedagogies for Deep Learning: A Global Partnership. Available at: [Accessed 26 June 2024].
Heffernan, Margaret. (2011). Willful Blindness: Why We Ignore the Obvious at Our Peril. Walker & Company.