Chaplain's Chat

Chaplain's Chat Tuesday, 23 Aug 2022

Chaplain's Chat Term 3 Week...

This term we are exploring in Chapel services our school values of Mutual Respect and...

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Chaplain's Chat Wednesday, 03 Aug 2022

Chaplain's Chat 2022 Term 3...

Being an Anglican school connects us in a special way to a community of students...

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Chaplain's Chat Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Chaplains Chat Term 2 Week...

NAIDOC Week is celebrated around Australia from 3-10 July, and celebrated at BDC this week...

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Chaplain's Chat Wednesday, 08 June 2022

Chaplain's Chat Term 2 Week...

Pentecost Sunday was observed around the world last Sunday. Pentecost is often called the birthday...

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Chaplain's Chat Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Chaplain's Chat Term 2 Week...

I have been thinking about leadership lately and what it looks like. The 2022 Election...

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Chaplain's Chat Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Chaplains Chat 2022 Term 2...

I wonder what the sacred spaces are in your life? Religions have a long history...

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Chaplain's Chat Wednesday, 30 Mar 2022

Chaplain's Chat Term 1 Week...

It has been humbling to see the immediate and generous response by the school community...

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Chaplain's Chat Wednesday, 16 Mar 2022

Chaplain’s Chat

Globally and locally, there have been life changing events happening in the past couple of...

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