Honours Awards

C U R R I C U L A R  A N D  C O - C U R R I C U L A R

The college Honours Awards process recognises excellence in curricular and co-curricular activities. 

These Awards fall under four categories:

  • Academic
  • Performing Arts
  • Service
  • Sport

The Honour Awards are presented at a range of college functions including Presentation Day ceremonies, The Sports Awards Dinner, and the Performing Arts Award Night.

The aim of the college Honours is to recognise students who achieve excellence in Academics, Performing Arts, Service and Sport.

The awarding of college Honours will also take into account aspects of the student’s behaviour, such as School Spirit, Attitude, Commitment, Dedication, and Citizenship as well as the level of competition or activity. While many of these awards will be accessible once the level of achievement has been reached the College Leadership Team (in consultation with the relevant staff) has absolute discretion in awarding college Honours.

A student must meet the college’s ethos of “Faithfulness in Service” and the BDC way. If there are documented significant ongoing concerns about a student’s record of behaviour and attitude within the last 12 months, the Principal in consultation with the College Leadership Team and the appropriate staff will then rule on their eligibility.

An important aspect of college Honours is that the activity being recognised must relate to college activities. Achievements outside the college may also be taken into account in determining that a student has reached an appropriate standard, but college Honours can only be awarded if the student has also represented the college at an appropriate level in related activities at college during that Honour year.

Student conduct will be considered in all Honours and should reflect the standards of the BDC Way. It is at the discretion of the college to revoke a badge if behavioural issues occur.

College Honours will not be awarded until students have had the opportunity to reach their highest possible level in that activity in that Honour year. Students are also awarded a Digital Badge (Years 7 -12) and/or a physical badge (Years 5 - 12). Digital Badges will be stored in Credly. Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified in writing via email after the nomination period closes.


For Performing Arts, Service and Sport Honours, eligible students must apply in writing using the appropriate electronic form. Student application is not required for Academic Honours as these Honors are determined by Heads of college based on full-year academic results and other competitions organized through the college.


Students can be awarded college Honours from Year 5 to Year 12. College Honours can be worn as an Honours badge with their day or formal uniform.

There are three levels of Honours: Bronze, Silver and Gold and students in Years 7-12 will receive a digital badge via the BDC Badging guidelines/process.



Application timeline
Term 2 Week 8
Applications open on the website
Term 3 Week 8
Applications close on the website
Sports Award Dinner Term 4
All Sport Honour awards will be presented to successful applicants
Performing Arts Night Term 4
All Performing Arts Honour awards will be presented to successful applicants
End of Year Presentations Term 4
All Academic and Service Honour awards will be presented to successful applicants


Academic Honours are awarded to students in Years 7 to 12.

These terms and conditions apply to students who aim to achieve recognition across Bronze, Silver and Gold Academic Honours:

  • Students support the ethos and expectations of the college.
  • Students must be active participants in the college's academic co-curricular program.
  • Student and parental agreement and participation in advertising and promotion of the Honours awardee via a variety of media modes.
  • Students must maintain a high attendance rate (greater than 95%).

Bishop Druitt College reserves the right to determine the specific activities or events that qualify for each level of Honours recognition.
Students must apply to be recognised with Honours by providing appropriate documentation or evidence of their participation and commitment in the chosen academically focused College opportunity.
Discretionary process: Bishop Druitt College reserves the right to exercise discretion in exceptional cases or circumstances, such as unforeseen events, to determine eligibility.
Changes and Amendments: Bishop Druitt College reserves the right to modify or amend these terms and conditions at any time. Any modifications or amendments will be communicated to the students in a timely manner.
Governing Law: These terms and conditions shall be governed by the College Leadership Team. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions shall be put towards the board.


Students who achieve Scholar’s List recognition for two consecutive semesters. This can occur in the same calendar year or in Term 4 of the previous year and Semester 1 of the current year. 


Demonstrate commitment as an active member of an academically focused school opportunity beyond the classroom such as Debating, Da Vinci Decathlon, Ethics Olympiad, Mathematics Olympiad, external academic competitions such as ACER Scholarships, ICAS Assessments, Mock Trials, Engineering Challenge, robotics competitions, or writing competitions should apply to be recognised with Bronze Honours.


Students who demonstrate sustained excellence via both Scholar’s List and Principal’s List recognition for two consecutive semesters. This can occur in the same calendar year or in Term 4 of the previous year and Semester 1 of the current year.


Demonstrate commitment as an active member of an academically focused school opportunity beyond the classroom such as Debating, Da Vinci Decathlon, Ethics Olympiad, Mathematics Olympiad, external academic competitions such as ACER Scholarships, ICAS Assessments, Mock Trials, Engineering Challenge, robotics competitions, or writing competitions should apply to be recognised with Silver Honours.


Academic Honours will be awarded to students who attain the Top 5 rankings academically at the end of each academic year. AcademicHonours may also be awarded to high performing academic students who achieve in the top 10% in nationally recognised competitions, or NESA or tertiary-provided showcases. Examples are listed on page 7 of the Honours Awards document. 

All competitions need to be school-based competitions or supported by the Director of Learning and Teaching, Head of Secondary, or Principal. Decisions for Gold Honours are supported by the Director of Learning and Teaching.

Academic Gold Honours will be awarded to students who demonstrate significant academic attainment by being placed in the Top 5 rankings academically in each cohort at the end of each academic year. Academic Honours may also be awarded to high performing academic students who achieve in the top 5% in nationally recognised competitions. Year 12 Honours Only

These are based on results from the final school rankings and HSC. NESA or HSC Major Works or tertiary provided showcases or a Top 20 ranking in the HSC examinations for example. Honours are awarded to Year 12 graduates at the Graduates Morning Tea Event or the first assembly of the following year.

  • Bronze Honours - 4 Band 6s
  • Silver Honours - 5 Band 6s
  • Academic Gold Honours are allocated for students who receive all Band 6 scores or an ATAR of greater than 95.

Examples of school-based competitions. 


These are based upon results from the final school rankings and the HSC. Honours are awarded to Year 12 graduates at the Graduates Morning Tea Event or the first assembly of the following year.

  • Bronze Honours - 4 Band 6s
  • Silver Honours - 5 Band 6s
  • Academic Gold Honours are allocated for students who receive all Band 6 scores or an ATAR of greater than 95.


Performing Arts Honours awards are awarded at the end of each year during the Performing Arts Awards Night. To be considered for the Honors awards, students must demonstrate a strong commitment to the Performing Arts both within the College and the wider community.

Recipients of Performing Arts Honours will be selected by the Performing Arts Manager in conjunction with the Head of Performing Arts and their staff and approved by members of the College Leadership Team.

The overarching criteria for all Performing Arts Honours are:

  • Students must participate in co-curricular activities that rehearse within the college’s co-curricular Performing Arts Program (e.g. Dance Academy, Music Ensembles or Drama Club or Stage Shows).
  • Students must attend 80% of the rehearsals. Allowances will be given for students who are absent at college events, for example, sporting days, examination blocks, and excursions.
  • Participation at performances, that represent Bishop Druitt College, such as the Eisteddfod, Showcases, Concerts and Musicals is mandatory to be considered.
  • Selection into State Honours Ensemble Program for Music can also be used to support the movement from Silver to Gold Honours or equivalent Dance or Drama activities.

    Students must participate in at least 4 school organised activities in the final years of primary or middle school and Senior School (Years 11 and 12).


    Silver Honours in Performing Arts involves meeting the criteria for Bronze Honours plus demonstrating a state-level standing in the Performing Arts while actively engaging in that field in the Bishop Druitt College community. This can be supported by commercial performances, and state ensembles and showcases.


    Students must demonstrate a national standing in the performing arts while actively engaging in that field in the BDC community (e.g. Australian Youth Orchestra, National Music Camp, Australian Chamber Orchestra, Invitational NIDA Short Courses).


    Service Honours are awarded to students from Years 9 to 12.

    Service at Bishop Druitt College is defined as an unselfish act of supporting and assisting others in a caring manner. Involvement in Service encourages students to grow into active, socially responsible members of the community.

    Honours are awarded for demonstrating a very high level of service commitment to the community through activities directly associated with the college.

    This level of commitment may be demonstrated through three key areas of Service:

    • Service to the Community
    • Service to the Anglican Church
    • Pastoral Service

    The overarching criteria for all Service Honours are:

    • Students must participate in Service activities offered through the college’s Service program.
    • Students need to demonstrate unselfish acts of Service over a period of time at the college; or
    • Students have rendered exemplary humanitarian service with an emphasis on personal volunteer efforts.

    Students must demonstrate unselfish acts of service over a two-year period, for example, play a significant leadership role in theorganisation or leadership of community service event or groups in4 or more of the following groups, such as:

    • Human Rights Group
    • Goori Group
    • LGBTQI+ Support Group
    • Environment Group
    • Warrina Women’s Refuge
    • Anglican Op Shop (Sawtell, Coffs Harbour or Northern Beaches)
    • Coffs Harbour Soup Kitchen
    • 40 Hour Famine
    • Shave for a Cure
    • Cambodia Service Tour
    • Service to the Primary Years
    • BDC Outside of Hours School Care
    • BDC Playgroup
    • National or International Round Square Service Activity
    • Community based activities eg Nursing Homes/Preschools/Disability work

    Students must demonstrate unselfish acts of service over a consecutive two-year period. For this award, students must initiate community service activities, events or groups in several areas. Some examples are, but not limited to:

    • Human Rights Group
    • Goori Group
    • LGBTQI+ Support Group
    • Environment Group
    • Warrina Women’s Refuge
    • Anglican Op Shop (Sawtell, Coffs Harbour or Northern Beaches)
    • Coffs Harbour Soup Kitchen
    • 40 Hour Famine
    • Shave for a Cure
    • Cambodia Service Tour
    • Service to the Primary Years
    • BDC Outside of Hours School Care
    • BDC Playgroup
    • National or International Round Square Service Activity
    • Community based activities eg Nursing Homes/Preschools/Disability work

    Gold Honours in Service are awarded to students who have demonstrated a level of commitment over the life of their time at the college. This person would be recognised by the wider Coffs community in addition to a commitment to service in the college. Students must demonstrate how they have immersed themselves in leadership and service over two or more years. For this award, students must initiate, and coordinate community service activities, events or groups in several areas.
    Some examples are, but not limited to:

    • Human Rights Group
    • Goori Group
    • LGBTQI+ Support Group
    • Environment Group
    • Warrina Women’s Refuge
    • Anglican Op Shop (Sawtell, Coffs Harbour or Northern Beaches)
    • Coffs Harbour Soup Kitchen
    • 40 Hour Famine
    • Shave for a Cure
    • Cambodia Service Tour
    • Service to the Primary Years
    • BDC Outside of Hours School Care
    • BDC Playgroup
    • National or International Round Square Service Activity
    • Community based activities eg Nursing Homes/Preschools/Disability work

    Recipients of Honours will be selected by the Director of Student Wellbeing and the Chaplain with support from the Year Level Co-ordinators in consultation with the Principal.


    Sporting Honours are open to students from Years 5 to 12 who perform highly in the school sport system. 

    Sport at Bishop Druitt College develops students’ confidence and resilience through physical and technical challenges and provides exposure to teamwork and leadership opportunities .

    Honours are awarded for demonstrating a very high level of commitment and success to sport through achievement directly associated with the college and its sporting pathways including NCIS representation, NSWCIS representation, All Schools State selection and selection into an Australian schools representative team.

    While we know students achieve highly outside the college, all Sport Honours are based on achievement through the college sporting system. Achieving representative selection at club sport is commendable but this is part of the club sport system and not the school sporting system. Achievements outside school will not be considered as part of the Sport Honours application.

    The overarching criteria for all Sport Honours are:

    • Students must be selected and represent NSWCIS, as a minimum, in an individual or team sport.
    • Whilst participating in sport, students will demonstrate a high level of sportspersonship, fair play and positive role modelling (the BDC way).
    • Students must model the BDC values in all facets of college life.

    The level of competition will be taken into account, with the awarding of all levels of Honours. 

    All Honors recipients will be recognised at the college’s annual Sports Awards Dinner.


    To achieve Bronze Honours at Bishop Druitt College in a college sport the student should represent Combined Independent Schools (NSWCIS). An equivalent team selection process would also be being selected in an Association of Independent Co-Educational Schools (AICES) team. Students must achieve the following individually while representing at NSWCIS level or team selection to be eligible for Sport Bronze Honours.

    For individual sports, students must win a medal (top 3 placing) or through their results be selected for the next level (top 15 for Cross Country). Bronze Honours may be granted for representing in a sanctioned college sport at a State or National sport championship, as long as the selection process occurred through initially playing that sport for the college. This will be at the discretion of the staff in charge of that sport at the time.


    To achieve Silver Honours at Bishop Druitt College the student should demonstrate a New South Wales/State team level selection (selection into ‘NSW All Schools’ team), and compete at this level.

    For individual sports, students must win a medal (top 3 placing) or through their results be selected for the next level (top 15 for Cross Country).


    Gold Honours at Bishop Druitt College are awarded to students who achieve National Team selection. It must be a sanctioned college sport event and not a Club National or National Touring Team. In an individual, relay or team event, a medal (top 3 placing) at National Championships also meets the criteria for Gold Honours.


    Click here to view the Application and Appeals processes

    • Academic appeals are to be submitted through the Director of Learning Teaching (Secondary).
    • Performing Arts appeals are to be submitted through the Performing Arts Manager.
    • Service appeals are to be submitted through the Director of Student Wellbeing.
    • Sporting appeals are to be submitted through the Head of Sport.